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March 25, 2004

Huzzah! Freezepop hath arrived!

The new Freezepop CD is here! Yay! Too bad I haven't had much time to really listen through it. But it's good that I have it. Yes. Very good indeeeeeeed.

Someone gave me some random Unglued commons in the card shop today. I was kinda embarrassed. Josh offered to look stuff up for me. I was kinda embarrassed. I don't like taking things like that from people, especially when I just kinda casually mention that I like them. Cause I mean, it's not like that's why I said it. Miyah.

Natalie is very late... I wonder if everything is okay... second line is busy... hm... well, hopefully she's out having fun with Angie.

Some of my C.A.R.D. Revolution Taunts:
I'm like a ninja, only I play cards.
OMG, Am I playing cards? WTF?LOL!!!!1
Diamonds is trump. It's your lead.
Prepare to face t3h $|_|ck!!!!!!!!!!!
I think we should just be enemies.

Posted by poetfox at March 25, 2004 09:49 AM


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