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April 22, 2004

Can't be hate-drafted unless your opponent has hate-drafted three cards of the same creature type

Mini-draft today (Opened a Nightmare first pack, ended up taking 7 rares, only two of which I played with, 3 of them being expensive white rares (and I played Black with a splasha red)) to make up for my lack of draftin tommorow due to the fact that I'm taking my mother to see Cats somewhere on campus. It's far from my favorite show, but it'll make her happy when I get all all dressed up (ick...) and stuff... and I don't go out of my way like that enough really.
But the question on my mind is: "How do you come out to your parents?" And I've been asking everyone because that's the only way I figure things out (not that I need advice, perse, but just because talking activates my brain better.) and I'm not looking forward to it. But I should. I should do things. I shouldn't be a waste of a person, drifting along until things force me to make a decision. Not like in that story. (that Ghost Knife story) Mew.
I drank a whole bottle of Bawls and I'm not going to be getting to sleep for awhile... *sighs* But oh well.

Posted by poetfox at April 22, 2004 11:43 AM


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