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May 15, 2004

Show me all the rules, girl... I just wanna get along! Show me all the rules, girl... I just want to belong!

So Droid has hooked me up with all kindsa new movabletypething program that powers the blog. Supposedly it's really annoying in the way you have to install it. I don't know anything about such things, though. But yeah, so that's working sorta well, and supposedly quite soon we should get up the ability for you to comment on what the hell I just wrote, so you all should do that, or something.
Bridget is kickass awesome (Guilty Gear X-2 Reference!).
Also, Droid showed me how to upload things? I think? So that little picture in the corner should get working as soon as I post this.


(okay, so I still don't know how to upload. So sue me)

Posted by poetfox at May 15, 2004 05:16 PM


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