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May 11, 2004

So sweet my mouth was seared, but your words, your mouth, is sweeter...

Okay, apparently I'm so pathetic that Buttonmanguy is worrying about me... mew... I shouldn't fall apart like that (not that I don't appreciate it tons, ButtonmanGamerXguy... thanks...).
People shouldn't worry about me. I shouldn't worry people.
I also shouldn't feel so angry... or depressed... or generally moody. God damn, I hate being moody. Stabbing. With knives.
That's another thing that scares me. I keep mumbling about how I should either kill myself, or everyone in the room I'm about to walk into. That's fucked up. God damn.
And now I'm talking all about this shite on here, and I feel bad about it because people will read it, when that's the whole damn point of a blog, to write about what you feel and what's happening to you and what bloggy things you're blogging but I don't want to because someone might worry.
I need to just tell my parents I'm a transsexual and get it over with. I need to... fuck, I don't know what i need to do. Something. Something to move my life forward. It's so god damn stalled... same fucking thing every fucking day and I don't do anything about it, lying to people all the time just to fit into what I think is the box I think they want me in, even when I know they're my friends and they want me to be me but I still have to hide things from them and fuck.

Posted by poetfox at May 11, 2004 12:20 PM


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