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June 13, 2004

Frustration... Annoyance... and all that jazz

So my parents were going to be gone for most of this weekend, taking Jonathan to Boy's State, and I foresaw a relaxing weekend followed by a fairly relaxing week, just because I'd be alone most of the time, and I'd gotten hold of a good game to play, La Pucille Tactics. But eh, no, my mother has managed to get really really really on my nerves. I don't know what it is. She just keeps asking me to do things every five seconds, even when she wasn't hope, and looking up stuff on how I can make MY life better... I want to run my own life! Blaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... *falls over*
I'm being a real ass to her, too, because she's frustrating me. Beh. That's the part that really gets me, that I'm letting myself give in to how frustrated I am and am acting like a total jerk.
Jerk. I am a jerk. Assholejerk. Beh.

Apparently I didn't get through to Natalie as much as I thought I did, because she's mad at me for getting her hopes up and doing what she does or something. I don't know. I wasn't trying to get anyone's hopes up, just to explain, which was what we were doing. Gods, I'm frustrated.

I also remembered today that Joshy-kun should be having, have had, or will extremely soon have his first surgery, which means I should try to get ahold of him and see how he's doing! Go him! Go team! I haven't talked to him in a couple weeks anyway. I've been so busy... it's kinda nice to be busy, but it's kinda nice to sit about on the computer with nothing to do as well... which was what this weekend was going to be... mew...

Posted by poetfox at June 13, 2004 05:09 PM


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