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July 26, 2004

All my world in one grain of sand... and I've blown it...

I really don't like being in charge of things. I like secondary being in charge of things. With like only one person above me. That's perfect for me. I don't get stressed out there, I just do what I'm told... yeah...
I almost beat Luigi's Mansion last night, playing at the Spaeth's. I'm at the last boss. Whee. That game is really short, cause I got there in two random sittings at the Spaeth residence. But it's pretty good while it lasts.
I dled the whole TMBG concert I went to see from their website. So. Awesome. But Spaeth has my burned copy right now. Hopefully he's copying it. Hopefully.
You know, if I knew how to upload and had... what was it again... oh yeah, motivation, I have vague plans to set up a website on here for my writing work... all my characters and plotlines would get described and anything I wrote in that universe would be stored for viewing there... I dunno what I would call the page, though... something... interesting... and more slick that "Blogtastic blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah..." Although I really like that name for this stupid piece of webspace.
Fuck, just kill me now. *curls up in a ball and hides*

Posted by poetfox at July 26, 2004 11:14 AM


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