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August 14, 2004

I was so right... ^_^

So I saw Brian's sister at Hastings, even though Essner SWORE that it wasn't her... him... miyah, there's always a weirdness there. I'm going with him. Anyway, now that I know it was, I wish I would have talked to him, although hell, that would have been akward and stupid anyway, and much too random. But anyway...
I pre-ordered Sims 2, because it'll be fun and I'll have a brand-spankin' new compy to play it on. The preview disk that came with it to show off the game I completely watched, and hot damn, it's going to be like... so much more entertaining than the original Sims. The sims are so much smarter! And the whole wants, needs, fears, etc that your sims have are going to give you more possible direction as far as what to do and where to go, something that the original could sometimes need, and yet you can still do anything at all, which is just wonderful. It's going to rock!
Only problem being that it's coming out like... a couple days before the Kamigawa pre-release... I'ma gonna need cash. Heh.
Speaking of Magic cards, I really want to build a multiplayer-based Magic deck. One for 2hg and Chaos, or just chaos. Both would be nice though. But one that was seriously FOR those formats, instead of just using my decks and hoping they work well. But I have no clue where to start. Something tells me that I might want to go Red/White, though. Or White/Black. And I want to put Reward the Faithful in something. I really do. And let's go with Mind's Eye and the Puzzle Box to give me draw power and hardcore access to answers.
But yeah... umm... Yeah. Megas XLR is on, so Imma gonna watch that now.

Posted by poetfox at August 14, 2004 07:59 PM


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