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August 22, 2004

Monya-Monya is a drunken whorekitty.

I'm thinking about trying Ragnarok, just because I can play it for half a month free, it's a free download, and unlike other MMORPGs, I THINK that I can play it and easily have something running in the background and such, I think it runs in a normal windows window. I could chat on AIM and shite without any problems, probably. That's my hope anyway. And it can keep me company until I get the Sims 2 for my new compy and Star Ocean: Till the End of Time for my PS2... but I probably won't have my new compy until Friday and I probably shouldn't start tryin' to play the game until then, at least... mew... who knows, really.
Cheddar Cheese Chex Mix smells disgusting and is upsetting my stomach, methinks... *sighs*
School starts tommorow. It hasn't sunk in yet. Hopefully I'll have a non-eventful semester... that's my hope... I just want things to feel like they're going well or something.
Josh still hasn't called... I've debated complaining to him with some sad piece of self-hating message, but then decided against him because I don't want him to worry. But damn, I'd like to talk to him sometime...!!!
So I wanted to play Diablo 2 on Bucchiet's computer with his remote last night and he wouldn't let me because he is a computer passwording bastard. Diablo 2! VIA A REMOTE! I could play from ACROSS THE ROOM!!!!! DID HE NOT UNDERSTAND THIS? ACROSS THE ROOOOOOOOM!
My computer will have a remote, too, I think. It's interesting. Dunno what I'll actually use it for, though. *shrugs*
I wanna order compy now... mew... *sighs*

Posted by poetfox at August 22, 2004 01:40 PM


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