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August 25, 2004

Oh, look out now! Just between your shoulders...

One more day until computing heaven! Maybe two.
My mom got all mad at me for my schedule... bah... I really didn't need to be woken up by a yelly fight, and then have mom run downstairs and call Dad so that I'm going to have another yelly fight over the phone later tonight... *sighs*
As much as I kinda mocked Essner last night, I really should actually STUDY Japanese this semester... I want to be able to speak it, and I'll have Essner and Bucchiet along, so it will be fun... and then I really could do my little Teaching English As A Second Language thing that the gods seem to want me to do... it would be quite an experience, going over and living in Japan... I'd have to go to college over there, which would be the only part that would have me skiddish, but hell, I should. You only live once. It'd be fun... If I work hard and really learn my stuff, I'm honestly going to consider it...
The newish Vs Superhero cardgamething is really hella fun. I'm really enjoying it. It would be even better if I had a completely constructed deck. The weird, innovative one simultanous turn really does help to make the game interesting, and it's even more interesting with more than two players! I doubt the game will take away Magic in my heart, but I'm really excited about it.
Anyway, just gotta wait through today, clean off my desk, get my new ID and books, get yelled at by Dad over the phone... seems like a light day, I suppose... chaaaa...

Posted by poetfox at August 25, 2004 07:13 AM


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