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September 26, 2004

I believe in magic rainbows because I'm an optimist...

I just found and immediately purchased a shirt with that on it. Holy crap, it's awesome. Heh.
Apparently, drinking a glass of water will now be known as "Drinking the Nasty." Don't question the amazingly complicated process of how inside jokes get created, but it's too late now, cause it happened, and that's that.
I got Shadow Hearts: Covenant a couple days before the release date today (Okay, technically yesterday cause I'm writing this at like... 2 in the morning) and it's pretty damn cool. ^_^ Blanca is an amazingly amazing badass of a wolf party member and is never, ever going to be even partially considered for leaving my party. Ever. I'm completely playing favorites as far as special items go, too. Heh heh... ^_^
Um, but yeah, anyway... go team? I lost my train of thought. But seriously Blanca is awesome. And so is that shirt. I'm going to go get a glass of the Nasty.
Edit: Here's the strip the shirt comes from. Boy on a Stick and Slither is pretty cool stuff. Heh. ^_^ And there's a Slither shirt that has his quote from that on there, too. Damn cool.

Posted by poetfox at September 26, 2004 02:20 AM


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