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October 23, 2004

Chewie is my Co-pilot.

I gots me three bumperstickers with that on it from the Clango Club (Which is a bunch a fun, really. I support one of the funniest web comics about with 5 bucks a month and get silly stupid suprises like these bumper stickers in the mail every month in return. I feel good all over about it. It's win-win. Heh.) and as much as I respect Chewie and his Co-piloting skillz, and as much as I think the sticker is fucking hilarious, I'm not enough of a Star Wars fan to have it grace my car. If you are, let me know, and I'll gladly let you have one. Heh. It's also on a shirt over here. And hey, if you want to join in Clango Club fun, check that shit out.
My T-shirt ideas aren't nearly that good. Although I do think the "X-Treme Pacifist!" t-shirt concept has value, at least to me. And the slogan "It's not extreme unless it's X-treme." would go good on stuff (The - would have the word "hyphen" written inside of it, if I had any say in the matter). I also think the inspirational message "Be a friend: Swallow" given to me by Stripes is hilarious, but it's also a bit... adult and I'm suprised I actually wrote it there.
Making a webpage is fucking hard. I mean, seriously. Even making a bad webpage is hard. Heh. I was really frustrated with the whole process yesterday. Heh. But I'll get Poetfox.com up and running sometime soon. I'm going to have alot of work to do on the game this weekend and next week, so I'm going to say it'll probably open sometime around the first week of November. I hope you reading this, whoever the hell you are (I'd know if you commented! I made the comments work so I could figure out who you are! Heh. Don't fear the signing up. You just sign up once and you can post on any typekey-enabled blogthing. When I get the other site working, though, since I don't think it runs with the typekey, you'll have to sign up different over there... and I'll definately want comments over there, so I can judge how my writing is doing... so PREPARE YOURSELF!), will follow it over there. It'll be easier to get me to write if I feel like people are waiting on me to post. Heh. And I want the stories to be entertaining! Feedback is good! Need Input!
Anywho, I should probably shower and get ready for going to Grandmother's for Dad's birthday... whee... later.

Posted by poetfox at October 23, 2004 12:26 PM


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