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November 05, 2004


Nintendo of America recognizes the existance of Jam with the Band on it's offical website. This is a good thing. The game is going to rock everyone's face. I was looking at the Japanese web page (I know enough Katakana to read where it says "Band Brothers"! Damn, knowing Japanese, even just a little, is cool! I should really look into studying in Japan... it would be stressful, but it would be an adventure of a lifetime... and I could import. Heehee...) and everything I want in the game is definately there... even if I can't read it, the pictures and small blurbs of exciting English show off the features I want... a full song editor, and hardcore multiplayer, with a decent music game to boot! I cannot wait, I seriously can't... I will import it, if it never gets an offical nod after the first of the year. The DS has no region protection like the GBA, right? It'll help me with my Japanese... heh... AND it will rock.
In other news, I think they're playing the Nazi episode of Lupin, which I thought they refused to play on Adult Swim. I could be wrong, though, it could be another episode with a Hitleresque person.
Oh, and I splurged and bought Guilty Gear Isuka. My verdict? I probably should have waited until the price went down a bit, but hot damn, it's awesome. ^_^ The "press R1 to turn" thing really isn't all that annoying like I thought it would be. It makes sense that you'd have to pay attention and turn around, and it's not akward, after the first battle. The 4 player matches are hectic as all get out (in a good way) and the two planes, which I won't call "optimal," work very well and add a nice "sidestep" dodge to the game, as well as making it possible to cut slightly down on the hecticness of a full on 4 player bout by separating it into two normal fights. Being in the back plane can be annoying sometimes, because often you can't see what you're doing (especially if Potemkin is in front) but at the same time, that almost seems like part of the strategy to the whole thing. And since you have an idicator to tell you which way you're facing, you are only minimally penalized for not being able to see your fighter. In any case, I wish my friends around here were more into the game so we could have some serious hardcore multiplayer bouts. I have a multitap for something, I'm sure!
Oh, and there's a GGBoost mode to the game. It doesn't thrill me. I'd rather have the fucked up little story mode from X2, myself. I liked that thing. But it's like a bad Final FIght or something. Bad because the fighter controls barely translate to that kinda game. Normally, you have to line up and stuff in that kind of game, but since you don't have special moves that make facing in a direction important to how the move is initiated and a turn button, they turn out okay. The GGBoost doesn't have that. You still have to turn with the R1 (and here, it does feel weird, especially since you can't turn while walking, because R1 + a direction makes you dash that way) and... I dunno... rarely is there any reason to do anything but pound a button that does a really quick attack, like Bridget's basic punch. When you do that kinda thing in a normal brawler, a combo still occurs, but again, since it's using the fightinggameness... yeah. I dunno. More modes is always better than less, and the GGBoost honestly looks like it wasn't just tacked on. Some development definately went into it. But it's not especially my thing. It feels like it wants to be random beats but Fighting game control schemes create very specific beats and it all kinda fizzles.
Overall, though, as I said, the game rocks my face.
And now I'm going to bed.

Posted by poetfox at November 5, 2004 01:01 AM


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