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November 12, 2004

Oh! Look out now! Just between your shoulders...

Essner actually asked me when poetfox.com is going to be operational. Craaaaazy. I do need to work on it. I haven't fiddled with it lately. Perhaps I can get it done this weekend, if I put my mind to it... hell knows after monday, when, if reports are true, the DS is shipping early, I'll be too deep into touchscreeny goodness to concentrate on silly HTML. But I really do want to start the project... although I need to finish the script I'm writing for Jessica, too... hmm... that's mostly done, though. I know what else happens, it's planned, I just have to sit down and type it into the computer, so no worries there. Whenever she kicks me about it next, I'm sure I'll finish it.
So people keep saying things like "You should grow a beard!" and to them I say "Fuck you." You know me better than that. Assholes.
We did a minidraft on Tuesday, but it was nothing spectacular. We didn't even finish it. I got a weird 8th Rare that I didn't even know existed and, um, Spaeth pulled a Wrath, so go team, I suppose.
I never really run Oxidize in anything, but holy crap, this promo card is hella pretty. I wish I had one. Come to think of it, I wish I had my DCI card... it should have mailed out by now... I don't have enough tourneys to get one of those promos or the Terror promo, but I should at least get my offical memberwhatever card... [Edit: They only ship stuff out when I earn Promos, and I only get token cards for every 5 tournies, and I've, thus far, been to two. So I suppose it'll have to wait. But if I keep going to prereleases, eventually I will get there... but I'll never get that Oxidize... holy fucking crap, that thing is so pretty!]
And they just posted a City of Ass wallpaper. How cool is that?

Posted by poetfox at November 12, 2004 09:46 AM


I won't kick you. I don't usually do a lot of kicking. Bad with the aim, you know. But I may nudge quite a bit.

Posted by: JessyKat [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 15, 2004 05:03 PM

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