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December 20, 2004

Bloggin' at work! Whoo!

So, yeah, beat Final Fantasy today... apparently there was some time loop I was completely unaware of until the little epilogue that I broke, so, um, go team there. Onto Final Fantasy II!
So my mom is done with her Chrissymas shopping... and I'm pretty sure she didn't even look at the list she asked for and I took the time to create and even create an online version with pretty little quicklinks and such to possible online purchases. On one hand, being suprised is a good thing when receiving a gift. Getting something you enjoy out of the blue is a cool cool thing, and I sure as hell have no idea what I'm getting for Chrissymas from my mom... on the other hand, buying a suprise gift only works if you know what the person likes. My mom takes no real interest in what I do or what I like, really. I suppose maybe alot of it is over her head, but seriously, no interest at all, but will grill me for hours on things I care nothing about but she thinks I should. So how is she supposed to find something I'm going to like...? I don't see how she could... she didn't ask me for help with Jonathan, so I can pretty well assume she didn't ask Jonathan for help with me, either...
It feels stupid... but I feel a bit let down right now. We'll see what I open on Chrissymas, of course. My mom may shock the pants off me, and if she does, hot damn, that will be great... but for now.. I don't know... if she's going to spend all this money on me, she could do it the right way, you know? And not in a sorta... self-serving to her way...? She wants to get me new shoes. I don't need new shoes, these I'm wearing as almost brand new. But she called to ask me my shoe size while she was shopping today... even after I've told her several times, and at least twice in that phone conversation, that I don't need shoes. She must just dislike my shoes... same with clothes... she's been buying all sorts of pants for me these past few weeks... 2 pairs rock my world, the rest are just what she wants me to wear...
I dunno... like I said, I'm being a bit silly... I love her, and all, but goodness... I dunno... *sighs*
Yeah, best go clock out now.
Edit: I just noticed what appears to be some sort of list with "Matthew" at the top of it on the table downstairs... I also picked up the phrase "PS2" on there... and it was all in my mom's handwriting. Perhaps I should have given her more credit... heh... I'm tempted to check what's on there, to see if I'm crazy about it being a shopping list or not, but I won't. I'll let Chrissymas come as it does. ^_^

Posted by poetfox at December 20, 2004 03:12 PM


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