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December 23, 2004

Chrissymas Party Report Plus: I'm at work.

Goodness, work is creepy with absolutely nobody around...
So yeah, last night was the party. Jessica couldn't make it, unforunately, but other than that I think it went as good as could be hoped for. Droid was the murderer (the bastard!), and the meal kicked major buttock (Thanks Mom!). Everyone even gave perfect gifts for everyone, not a bad gift was given! Layne even liked the Head Wizard (previously referred to as The Secret Ingredient)! It was a Merry Chrissymas party all around! We have to do something that big again next year, parents permitting, of course. ^_^
The weather was all icky, though, so Essner and Spaeth spent the night... They tried out Return of the King, and we played some You Don't Know Jack Offline (With host Cookie, who's certianly one of the best, if not THE best, Jack host), and watched Napoleon Dynamite. Honestly, I fell asleep for a bit of it, so I'll have to watch it again, but one thing is for sure: The movie proves you don't have to have an R rating to be funny. It's not Shanghai Knights or anything like that, but it's a really good film! Watch it, if you like humor. Or movies. Or... humorous movies.
My car is stuck in the snow in the parking lot outside... isn't that sad? All I need to do, still, is to clean up the bleachers and pull the trash... and I have... 2 hours to do that... it'll MAYBE take one... more like 45 minutes... then it's Final Fantasy II time... heh...
But yeah, hope you got almost all your shopping done, blah blah, I STILL NEED TO FINISH GRANDMA'S PRESENT! It's so not done! Ahhh! Tonight, tonight I will at least have all the pieces assembled!!!
But yeah, um, I'ma gonna go... place...

Posted by poetfox at December 23, 2004 01:45 PM


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