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January 13, 2005

Beautiful boys on a beautiful dance floor! Michael, you're dancing like a beautiful dance whore!

Okay, I'm feeling a bit better now.
Supralong lunch break today... whoo.
I bought the new Zelda game for Gameboy. I've found that, since Ocarina of Time, I haven't been able to actually stand Zelda games. I sure as hell couldn't get far in Wind Waker, although alot of that is its fault for being all stupid with the boat and such. I think it all stemmed from me getting stuck in Oracle of Ages way back in the day and never wanting to try again. But this game... well, it's interesting. It's still Zelda, but the new items are actually... well... new. The Gust Jar and this new Cane of Pacci both do very interesting and different things. I just hope the puzzles continue to be smart and not pointlessly assish. I do have to wonder why it's the Roc's Cape instead of the classic Roc's Feather in this game, but whatever. ^_^
Also, the game gives you these "Mysterious Shells" from time to time that you can turn in in a lottery to get little data entires of everything in the game, a whole lot like the trophies in Smash Bastards. That's pretty cool, but the amount of text you have to slog through just to stick another shell in the thing and give it a whirl is crazy. Someone wasn't thinking, there.
World of Warcraft is still as amazing as ever, of course... I'm managing to level 3 characters at once, and actually sorta advance them all, so that's cool. Sepia is mostly just making stuff with her tailoring... I need to level her a bit... but my Shaman is getting up there, and my Priest is slowly but surely creeping up there, too. I should put some more effort into my priest, she's almost level 20, and then she should get another special priest quest... also, she needs to take a trip to Darnassus. I should ask a Night Elf how to get there.
I also started a gnome warlock yesterday just because... well... I dunno... I don't see enough gnomes? Warlock seems like a class I'd probably enjoy more than mage. My little imp is all cute. I'd probably stick with him, cause he buffs the party and does little casting dances... heh... But I'm going to try not to play her much at all, cause I do want to level my other three... she'll eventually do engineering, though... mechanical squirrel, anyone?
Oh, my Priest has a white kitty. I rule.
So yeah, I suppose that's it? I dunno. Love you all.

Posted by poetfox at January 13, 2005 10:20 AM


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