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February 09, 2005

Jam with them, dammit!

Well, I just imported my first game. Nintendo of America sucks, so I took getting hot Music Game action into my own little paws. ph33r the Band Brothers! Now here's to hoping I can read enough of it. It shouldn't be too hard, really. The screenies I've seen have alot of english on them anyway... eh heh... well, we'll see what happens when I get it, I suppose. I probably shouldn't have ordered it so close to the realease of Wario Ware Touched! But oh well, fuck it. It'll be an adventure! An adventure, I say!
But I still don't know what to get Draco-kun for Valentines... it's like... next monday! Chaaaa...

Posted by poetfox at February 9, 2005 09:52 AM


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