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April 09, 2005

Arugal is a bitchfucker.

Sepia's NPC Arch-nemesis for as long as I can remember has been Archmage Arugal, the bitchtard who creates Werewolves in Shadowfang Keep in Silverpine Forest. I finally kill the bastard today, and actually remembered to take some screenies... enjoy. Heh.
A Dead Son of Arugal For Essner, as he wanted a screenie of it. There are at least 15 Sons in Shadowfang. Heh.
Battle with Fenrus Fenrus was a ginormus wolf right before Arugal. He's all happy and huge and trying to kill us. ^_^
Pre-fight Staredown A dramatic shot of Sepia and Arugal sizing each other up before the big fight... heh... I didn't take any during the fight, but Arugal was pretty awesome. When it said stuff, there was actually voice files for it, and he turned your party into Werewolves that would attack other people for short periods of time, and he'd go "RELEASE YOUR RAGE!" Heh heh.
Anyway, I am very happy with all that. I got the Robes of Arugal, too, which I sorta feel bad about because my current robes are better and another person in the group might have used them. But I hadn't rolled on anything else in the entire dunegon and I wanted them as a souvenir. Plus, they had as much chance as I did. So there. But yeah, I do feel a bit bad.
There was some hardcore raiding that went on last night too, of Southshore and the Night Elf Princess. ^_^ I didn't take any screenies of that... it was a bit hectic, but you can watch a video of the high levels raiding the Princess. I'm downloading it now.
End WoW news. I'm taking a shower.

Posted by poetfox at April 9, 2005 04:43 PM


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