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April 18, 2005

Eric, Eric, Shining Bright, On the Stages of the Night...

Go Eric McLain. Seriously. I mean... seriously. 42nd Street is a retarded show, but you, you did quite well. I don't think I've seen a person on that ND stage attempt to SING in character. Very well done.
But yeah, 42nd Street is a very retarded show. And I know Jonathan will fight me to the grave, but it's true. It's true.
I finally downloaded Tail Concerto and tried it... ouch... it's so old that you can't use analog sticks with it... also, the ISO is missing the music... which makes me unhappy, cause I'm sure it's very cute... I kinda wanna play through it... but then again, I've got Ape Escape and it controls alot better and has spiffy music and I get to go "GOT-CHA!" alot more. We'll see. Heh.
But any game playing is just a temporary measure until I aquire the Excellent Game Psychonauts later in the week! Huzzah! Sepia and Arlressy are going to have shitloads of rest credit. But it's probably for the best, or something. Heh heh.
I need to stop staying up till 1:30 when I know I'm going to get up at 7. This excludes work, of course.
Oh, and Justin Spaeth is completely retarbid, if you didn't know.
The. End. I'm taking a shower and hopefully waking up a bit more... we don't have caffiene in the house today, I don't think... chaaaaaaa...

Posted by poetfox at April 18, 2005 07:37 AM


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