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April 07, 2005

Let's get started Ready Steady Goooooooooooooooooooooo! Oh!

Have I mentioned I'm a stupid bastard recently? No? Well, I'm doing it again.
I'm very crazy and peppy when I work at Kohls. I don't know if it's entertaining or annoying to the other people working there. It keeps my energy up, but I certianly could stop if it's annoying. I do hope it's cute, though. Or something similar to cute.
Hey, Jessie. Am I taking you to prom or not? And if I am... would you come with me to rent a tux? I don't want to do it alone (Last time I might have cried if I wasn't hiding since my mom was there... I'm kinda sad, I know... heh...) and I sure as hell don't want to tell my mother I'm going to prom much less go with her to rent one again. Or something. And I mean, hell, if you have someone else to go with, do it. I just, you know... wanna do it right if I'm doing it. (If I wanted to do it wrong, then I'd be asking you to go dress shopping with me. Heh. I'd so get kicked out in a heartbeat). But everything I've typed here really needs to be said to you instead of blogged, so I guess I'll do that tommorow.
Oh, the Matrix Online people are jerks because they made it the most hassle humanly possible to cancel your account. Seriously. The bitches.
And the randomness continues. You know, the more I think about it, I'm attracted to the IDEA of being with a girl but attracted physically to guys, really. I mean, I guess it's there for girls. But it's almost completely " in the moment" for girls. Like, on the very rare occasions that I might look at someone and think about sex, it would be a guy I was looking at. I can't do that with girls. I can look at what they're wearing or what they're doing or whatever... it takes effort to attempt to put my mind in the gutter when looking at a female. Now, if there was like... stuff... and stuff... and things got all heated with a girl, hell yes there would be that kind of attraction there. With a guy, less... preparation is needed for me. But then, when I think about my perfect relationship... like... having a family and stuff? I'm almost always picturing a girl there. Double Mother team of doom and all of that. Putting a guy into that kinda situation feels kinda akward sometimes.
Anyway, if you didn't read that last paragraph and want a quick summary, I'm bisexual but the reasons for me liking the different sexes are completely different. I'm going to have to blog tommorow so this post doesn't stay up top for too long... eh heh... that was all kinda embarrassing.
So there are these kitten plushies at Kohls. I'm going to get one. I shall name him Orange. I don't know why his name will be Orange, they're white with grey stripes. But that will be his name. They also have these cool like... chainmail mesh rings for ten bucks. I want one, but they only have them in sizes that would fit on my pinky. Whatever the hell the next finger over is called, that's what I want it to fit. Miyah. I do kinda miss having jewelry, athough I'm sure my mom doesn't miss me having it. Miyah again.
But yeah, I guess I'll try to sleep now. Apparently the guild needs more mages, so I'm going to try to focus a bit more on leveling Sepia... she's gained two levels these past few days. But Shaman fits my playstyle too damn well, so Arlressy will still be my main character. It'll kinda be sad when she gets to 60, but I suppose then I can start focusing on a priest. Also, do raids. Also, I said I was going to bed. I'll do that. Bye.

Posted by poetfox at April 7, 2005 01:36 AM


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