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April 12, 2005

"The Name's Rasputin, but people call me... Raz..."

Just played through the Psychonauts demo. At the very least, the game is going to be a solid platformer with PLENTY of style to spare. At the best, it's going to be one of the most plot intensive, wonderful creations the gaming world has ever seen. Too early to judge based on just the first level (which is all tutorial) obviously, though. They certianly tried to get the damn thing to play with a keyboard and mouse. They tried their hardest, they really did. It's as good as it possibly can be for this type of game. But if I'm going to play this thing on the PC and not the PS2, then I'm going to need a gamepad. The more time-based quick moving challenges near the end of the level were like tons harder because I had only the up down left right of the keyboard and not the stuff in between. Or a decent camera control. The mouse tries hard, but... eh. I've been half-wanting a gamepad for the compy anyway, so I might just do that.
I hope they port Jade Empire to the compy at some point during the summer. Although I haven't read any plans to that effect. That would give me another use of that gamepad I'm thinking of buying, though.
Oh, wait, I just went to the website... apparently the PS2 version is being held back cause they're not done yet... well, then, PC and gamepad it is. I'm going to work now.

Posted by poetfox at April 12, 2005 08:36 PM


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