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July 21, 2005

I just want to sparkle for a moment, before I fizzle out and die...

I don't want to move furnature anymore.
In furry news, overheard Anthrocon discussions scared yet amazed me. If everyone is going next year, I hope they convince me to go along.
My Spirits of Blanchwood is a good deck. I wish I knew what little tweaks I could make to my offline Moonfolk deck to make it more effective, though, although Echoing Truths honestly help it TONS. I think two of the four Trade Routes should leave the deck, though, because although I haven't experienced a time when it's been out and useful, I know it will be, just maybe one out of... I dunno.. 5 or 6 games? So two copies makes sense. The deck wants another trick in those two slots, I think. I have beats already. I just don't know what. I don't play enough blue to know. I'd put Oblivion Stone if it didn't cost a million billion bucks.
At least my Foxie deck is going to get the Reciprocates it so definately needs.
I ordered Rivera: The Promised Land because nowhere in town had it and it's one of those games they will never restock and I know it. I hope it gets here tommorow. Would be INSANELY useful at work and the rehersals coming up. I hope I will beat it, too, as the next two portable games I want are sure to be short, action-based affairs... (Those being Sigma Star Saga, which, although awesome, I assume will be a shorter adventure, and Gunstar Super Heroes, which I KNOW will be fast, but will kick my ass and be totally, totally sweet...) Oh crap, I forgot about Advanced Wars: Dual Strike... that's sometime in August, too... that'll eat up a ton of my time, I'm sure... oh well, still, I hope I beat it.
I really do love how I always tend to blog when I'm feeling very down or very... something... but never ever talk about it except maybe a one sentence reference of a weird title, like this one.
Ben, and other people who I haven't put in the Links of Love because I've been lazy, I will. When I update the sidebar again. Also, Ben, I have Squee in my car... take it from me next time you're in town.
Harry Potter Book 6 is much better than 5. Or less angsty at the very least. I recommend. Of course, if you haven't read the rest of the series, um, don't jump in at book 6.
I still have yet to modify Homovore more. I'm sorry. I have yet to keyword Penetrate. I'm sorry.
I feel sick to my stomach...

Posted by poetfox at July 21, 2005 01:05 AM


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