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July 01, 2005

It's Eight-and-a-half Appendages of FUNTASM!

Welcome to July. Stuff's a happenin'! Layne wants me to move in with her. Should I? Shouldn't I? Could I handle it if I did? Those are the questions I am currently asking myself. Well, SOME of the current questions I am asking myself. In any case...
I got my cards a day late. Blah. But at least they're all there, and the deck worked the way I wanted it to for the one game I played with it. Jonathan seems to think it's lacking a finisher, but I believe in my good friend, Eight-and-a-half Tails. He finishes like a motherfucker, seriously. Or at least lets a decently sized weenie sneak past defenses for 4 turns or something to finish an opponent off like a motherfucker. Something like that. The moment I got the deck I took out the Pallitors. I mean, I like them. They're not all that useful, but I like them. But the more I thought about it, the more the deck needed Pious Kitsune if it was going to work in duels as well as 2HG. I worry about the rampant lifegain bothering people, cause it can get pretty crazy, but at least it has a purpose, and will give me the time I need to do that whole sneaking one creature through thing a million times if the game calls for such a move.
Random Tangent: I remember my favorite moment with good ol' 8.5 Tails... My opponent had some sort of Nomad thing that had protection from white... and he kept equipping stuff to it... and I kept turning the equippment white so it would fall off... over and over and over again. Heh.
Wonder what I'm going to do for the next... 4 or so hours until Essner gets off of work... hmmm...
I also wonder if I could do his job... a similar post is free for the taking... hmm...

Posted by poetfox at July 1, 2005 07:14 PM


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