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August 23, 2005

A couple of quick pre-bed Xbox thoughts

I just read like... a shitload of message board posts about the Xbox 360 pricing thing. I really have no explaination as to why I did it, because the people on at least pure gaming message boards are totally retarded, it seems like. But I will say that, unforunately, I agree with most of those message board peoples. Xbox is the only system I don't own, and I have been very happy with that decision. But after E3, I was seriously considering purchasing a 360. I am much more into online games than I used to be. MUCH more. Sure, they are all MMOs, mostly, but I have a very online life. I have tons of online friends. Many of them are furries. A good deal of them are gamers. Having something additional to do with them would be wonderful. MMOs require alot of time commitment and it's hard to do casually with people sometimes... you either have to create characters just to play together or there is always going to be a level gap, and not enough games have went with CoH's wonderful Sidekicking approach, so that level gap is deadly. But with games like Phantom Dust and X-Men Legends 2 offering some possibly "Hardcore Casual" action on Live, I was seriously thinking that if Xbox brought that shit to 360, I'd be there. I'd want to try all the online features, etc, and see what the fuss was all about. (And I also wanted to see if my voice would pass amongst a million random online gamers.)
I'm not going to get one anymore. At least not this Chrissymas.
I mean, if they wow like crazy with the games then of course I'll be there. I'm a gamer. I game. It's what I do. But it seems like Nintendo and Sony are still going to keep the Niche-gamer market that I am a part of. I'll have access to my Nintendogs and my Animal Crossings and my Katamari Damacies and my Shadow Heart: Covenants by getting those two consoles. Xbox 360 seemed to be trying for those things, I thought, and would, of course, bring Live into it. That's why I wanted one. Because if they tried hard enough, that would be fucking awesome. But this price thing proves otherwise. They are going to put the shooters and the sports games and whatnot that the casual people buy and play. The things I always saw people playing when I cleaned the dorms. The CORE price point says "Get your next gen on here for Halo 3, Shootstuffgame, and MaddenWhateverthefuck!" It does not say "Try our tasty new music game with crazy visuals!" It doesn't even suggest it might WHISPER that.
I could be proven wrong. And again, like I said, if I am, then you'll see a 360 in my room. But I'm not hopeful anymore. I have come to my senses.
A shame, too, cause I bet my new Mp3 player that is currently being rushed to me via the UPS system would connect up and do cool things with the system very nicely.
The end. Time to attempt to sleep and fail.

Posted by poetfox at August 23, 2005 01:54 AM


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