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August 21, 2005

Take my land... take my land... then teleportmetoaspaceshipforrandomGradiusbattle...

Finally made Jonathan watch the first episode of Firefly, and he enjoyed it. SCORE!
In other news, I also finally got Sigma Star... it's going to royally kick my ass. I am not very good at action games. I played the first bosslevel? I was utterly raped. We'll see if I can't turn it around and win, though... but, you know, it's good to be frustrated sometimes. Also, Sigma Star has not gotten very good reviews, and I think, already, I can understand where those reviews are coming from, but I don't care. It's fresh, and I've worked my way through much, much worse. I'll do my best to beat it. I just hope Advance Wars: Dual Strike doesn't distract me too much. I mean, it will. Because it's coming out Tuesday, and I will get it, and I will play it all over the fucking place. But I still hope I beat it. Also, I'm going to have to borrow Spants' original Advance Wars to get the unlockables. I traded the original in because the second one is better in every way and it gave me a big 50 buck discount on my DS. I'm not complaining. I just need it for five seconds for the two or so extra maps of multiplayer goodness. Heh. ^_^
So yeah, sorry I'm a stupid bastard with the last post. I don't take away my retardedness, it's there to see, but, you know. And yes, I will have forcefields. And they will be very awesome forcefields. Of awesome. That's right, field made of the pure force of the awesome that radiates off my body (which can turn invisible, obviously.) And they can force you. Yup. Although I didn't go forcefields in CoH... hmmm... But Spants, did. His amazing gravity pants could force a field from a mile away...
Actually doing the fanfics again tonight, finally... and I'm going to fucking update the page, I promise. Yup.

Posted by poetfox at August 21, 2005 02:04 PM


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