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September 03, 2005

Crappier than Crap in Craptown! Or something.

Second Crappy Asst is good to go. Check it out. It's alot better than the first one. Listening to it, I realize things like Diggnation really are only minimally more organized. Who knows. Perhaps we could tone the anguish down just slightly, but, you know, it's all in good fun.
Droib and I keep talking about what to add... he says he has a virtual mixer/soundboard program ready to roll, and that we'd just need a good microphone, and we could record to his Lappy from now own. But, you know, who knows. Essner says we need to edit. I say... is that the point? If we edit, it becomes a chore, and no longer becomes fun, and then it stops. Random streaming soundclips and whatnot on the fly? That is not a chore. That could happen. We can continue to improve this thing. We're slowly figuring it out. If you listen, thanks. And comment, dammit, we don't know how to fix it if you don't tell us what's wrong!
Feels too early to go to bed, but nobody is on and i dunno what else to do... So I guess I will? *shrugs* Tommorow, I gotta get in my 9th leauge play, among other things. Heh. Wish me luck.

Posted by poetfox at September 3, 2005 12:36 AM


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