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September 19, 2005

Good newses. ? .

I'm glad to see that the GBA is not totally dead. Final Fantasy IV and Dr. Mario and Puzzle de Pon? Fuck. Yes. Easy access to RPGs I haven't totally beaten are always welcome, and I respect Dr. Mario and am TOTALLY FUCKING OBSESSED with Puzzle de Pon. Heh. That'll be some ideas of what to get me for Chrissymas, I suppose. Heh.

Posted by poetfox at September 19, 2005 08:19 AM


Da da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da da, dada dada da da dada da da, dadada da da. MORTAL KOMBAT!

Da da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da da, dada dada da da dada da da, dadada da da. MORTAL KOMBAT!

Da da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da da, dada dada da da dada da da, dadada da da. MORTAL KOMBAT!

Posted by: piman [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 19, 2005 09:17 PM

Yay, Final Fantasy IV! One of my favs!

Have you seen Advent Children yet? It's incredibly awesome.

Posted by: Angie [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 20, 2005 11:57 AM

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