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September 22, 2005

"I would just like to let everyone know that I'm a girl..."

It's true. And even though I know nothing about Red Vs Blue, really, I just want that shirt. Cause I like it, dammit.
Maybe I should find a nice torrent for the first couple seasons of it. Huh. But Arrested Development comes first.
So I burned my first DVD today. *sniff* I'm growing up so fast... It contains all of Samurai Champloo with a little Advent Children thrown in cause I had extra space. It burned in like 10 minutes! That's totally sweet. I learned that my old DVD drive could burn DVDs too, though. HOWEVER, this new one can burn to any DVD media format under the sun, so, huzzah. Plus, now I can direct copy things without retarded easy. Bucchiet came over with the cable I mentioned needing below and we got the drive working and I moved all my music and videos over there, so Sir Savesalot (my original hard drive) has much more space now. Happy! And I'm sure Volumionus (my new hard drive's name) is prepared to have tons of happy times with me in t3h fut4r! However, after installing Nero, it put this annoying "Nero Scout" thing in my My Computer screen? It affects nothing, but it's just kinda annoying me, honestly. Stupid housewithmagnifyingglassoverit thing...
Tommorow be the concert. I think I should be more excited that I am. Or more depressed by the thought of me having to clean out my car this weekend. Heaven knows it needs it, but still... cleaning out my car... blah.
Also, if I want to be additionally depressed, Indigo Prophecy won't be out till like next Tuesday. Not that I would have gotten in alot of time with it this weekend if I had had it this weekend, but still. TUESDAY. Gods. GODS! ANNNNNGUIIIIIIISHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Hm. Doesn't really work in text. Oh well.
We might do the Crappy Asst for this week tonight, so stay tuned...

Posted by poetfox at September 22, 2005 03:11 PM


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