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September 26, 2005

Spoiled Thoughts

And now, my crappy play-by-play as I look through the Ravnica spoiler. Won't this be fun? No? Awwwww... Well, if you don't wanna read and check out what I feel are the highlights of the set, then skip to the next section.
The first thing I notice about the set is that it likes creature enchantments, and this makes me happy. Need proof? Auratouched Mage anyone? Copy Enchantment maybe? Perhaps a little Moldervine Cloak? I dunno, Three Dreams?
Holy shit, Blazing Archon. Wow.
There's a nice combat trick. You might notice I'm basically linking White cards. Maybe that's because, I dunno, I'm a white mage? Heh... ^_^
Bottled Cloister... Sounds like something all straightforward beatdown decks are going to love to death...
Hey look, it's the great removal Bucchiet didn't use!
Check it. And you thought you saw Thirst for Knowledge used alot.
Oooh! Great Combat Trick Ahoy! That'll be used alot by me...
WOW! That's insane! I love it!
Yay for good white combat tricks!
Here's the anti-me card of the set.
A nice draft-finisher, I'd think.
Hey look, it's another card all casual people will hate!
An interesting Wrath-Variant, to be sure.
That's niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice removal there... very, very nice...
Ouch! Someone hates me!
Now I really like that. Slow but repeatable creature bounce... that is very, very nice.
I saw Master Warcraft in action. Insanely flexible and totally sweet.
Peregrine Mask: The Suprawall Maker.
HOLY CRAP! Phytohydydra is insane! Holy shit! Costly, but man! Not alot of ways to deal with that! That's hardcore! That spurs deckbuilding right there.
Well, that will be annoying to face down.
Wow! A counterspell people won't be annoyed to be hit with. Huh.
One of the cards I got at the prerelease, I like the idea of Searing Meditation alot, although it didn't do me alot of good... heh...
I'm glad to see Smash back. It may cost an extra mana, but it's better than Shatter in every way, and I've always used it when applicable in Prismatic and whatnot. It'll be interesting to have it in standard, methinks.
I, hands down, LOVE Spectral Searchlight. It's team-tastic, and I play a decent amount of Two-Headed Giant. Outside of a team format, it's a Darksteel Ingot that you can use to ping your opponent. It's just fucking amazing, hands down.
A simple common, but better than Storm Crow in every way, that's for sure.
Of course, these dual lands are amazing, but what about these? I initially mis-read and undervalued them... but even now that I know them, are they really worth it? Maybe a 2-of? I dunno. They'd slow your deck down a ton, it feels like... then again, the Lairs do something sorta similar... and I suppose you could use the mana from the land you're returning before you put that into play, and that would make the net loss only one mana like my beloved uncommon dual lands... yeah, I'm liking them more now... heh...
Heehee, that's pretty cool... ^_^ Voja... heh...
Well, those be my thoughts for what I'll be playing with in standard for like... 2 years or so... heh... I'm looking forward to the other two guilds with White in them, too... Boros is interesting but not especially my style, and Selesnya... as much as I've recently started migrating towards White Green as my color combo, I'm not currently feeling it, really? They just make lots of little weenie tokens and swing in, it feels like. Not something I do. But the mono-color cards in my colors I'm liking, and I want more. Drafting this set is going to be awesome too! Anyway, I've now totally bored you wiht this. I'm going to class. BITCH.

Posted by poetfox at September 26, 2005 08:33 AM


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