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September 11, 2005

Venting about work. Feel free to pass this over.

Hi there. I just got home from work. I feel like I need to recount this exciting night of work!
Things were going fairly normal. It was BOGOs, and those are annoying, but other than that? Normal. New things were tried to get people out the door earlier, which I suppose I'm for. Then we start nearing 2 in the morning. People aren't done (But I am. Note at this juncture that I have one of the biggest portions of store to do on my own, and I always get it done before or at the same time as everyone else). But Kathy does not want everyone to stay past 2, because then she will get chewed out again for spending too much money. I can understand this. She sends everyone home but me and her. Now, after 2 in the morning, we have to take an unpaid lunch. We work through this break. We finish other people's sections. We fix other people's sections. It's now about... 4:20 in the morning. We left out of frustration. We weren't done.
Why does this kind of shit happen...? I really don't get it. I can't be some sort of superhuman, yet I'm faster and just as accurate if not more than literally everyone else. If we would all work at a decent speed, we would have been long done by 2. A monkey could do my job. It's not hard. Yet people have so much problem with it, it just... frustrates me to think about sometimes.
I don't get it.
Nights like this also make me wonder if being such a hard worker is such a good thing. I want to be a hard worker. I want to do very high quality work, be full of pep and vigor and ready to jump on extra stuff just because I want to be helpful. I want to be that way. But nights like this... it makes me feel like it would be better if I was just doing borderline work... I'd get paid the same and I wouldn't have to stay for an extra 2 hours to do someone else's work for them.
It's just frustrating. Sorry to vent. I'm sure there are people with tons worse work situations than this. I just hope they get paid lots. Heh.
On a random, smaller note, I didn't get any breaks at all tonight? And it was kinda sad because I was going to start reading that "Best American Essays of 2004." I only got about halfway through the Introduction. But it's a damn good intro. It talks about the all important "voice" in works like this. I think I have a good voice, that's why I think I should write. Maybe I wrong, I dunno... but his discussion of the concept of an essay's voice was getting really interesting. I didn't even get to finish it and get to an actual essay... *sighs* It's hard to get me to sit down and read when I could be gaming, but I think I'm going to have to make myself so I can read that anthology. Yup. And if I do, I'm sure you'll see many more inspired essays on poetfox.com.
Poetfox.com : Because Essayfox sounds really retarded.

Posted by poetfox at September 11, 2005 04:36 AM


Work sucks sometimes. It seems like it sucks for you more often than it should. Being a good worker and wanting to do a good job is,I feel, something to be lauded. It's tough though because a lot of people don't feel like they have to do a good job, and the shitty part is that people who are good workers tend to pick up the slack, doing more than their fair share, but getting paid the same. It's balls. Here's my quote for today; "Some people suck some of the time, some people suck all the time but rest assured, all people suck some of the time."

Posted by: piman [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 12, 2005 12:18 AM

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