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October 05, 2005

Or something.

I attempted to do an audioblog last night, but it got very... stupidly emotional? So it's not getting posted, athough if you're desperate for my voice, well, ask, I guess. Or just employ patience, I'll rant again soon, I'm sure.
I sorta like how my relationship with Ecks is going. We've sorta went from this weirdish whatever thing to this laughing giggly retarded fun friend thing. It's nice.
Anyway, I'm catching up with Jessy A at the moment. She's still totally awesome. I invited her to the mysterious LAN party I know little about next weekend. I hope that's okay? We'll probably podcast from the LAN party, so maybe she can get in on it, too? You never know. YOU NEVER FUCKING KNOW!
Still don't really know exactly what to say about You Could Have It So Much Better. I'll keep you updated.
Fuck, I'm tired. I might try to nap with the dog. Or shower. Or something.
Or something.

Posted by poetfox at October 5, 2005 10:34 AM


I like how our relationship is going to cuteness. Your sites are awesome, and I even got a mention! Woot! It fills me with the elation that only comes after deliberation with liberation, though sometimes its followed by intimidation. ~.^

Now I do the comment dance! *boogies*


Posted by: ~X~ [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 5, 2005 12:13 PM

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