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October 30, 2005

The Halloween Game, and Et Cetera or whatnot.

I was going to write about the game earlier, but I read all of this instead for no real reason. Jinperson cares very much about politics. This causes her to be very angry about politics. This is why I choose to take a "I don't give a rat's ass" approach, because if I started to care, I think I'd feel similarly, athough I think for slightly different reasons (aka, I'd aim alot more anger at a general public than at an individual because if the public cared, they wouldn't have got them into office/would pressure them into doing something about it.). Anyway...
The Game is done. The Halloween game, that is. It... went decently well, besides a certian Matt Buchhiet being late for reasons we were never quite clear on. So, you know, he didn't help us get everything set up or get a final rundown on what he was doing. But no matter, it went well, and I think everyone had fun. I hope so. Essner worked damn hard on it. I did a buncha stuff too. Droib too. Buchhiet a bit. Ben a bit. Spants... not so much. But he did a good job during. Eh, it went fine. I shouldn't complain. It's over now and people had fun and I don't need worry about it anymore. I think people enjoyed the character I was playing and what I did and stuff, although nobody seemed to realize it was a puzzle. I'm glad we dumbed it down to the point it was at, because the original puzzle nobody probably would have gotten. At all. But it seemed so... cool to me. I dunno. I obviously think life out like an Adventure game or something alot of the time. (I pick up interesting items and put them in my pocket whenever I find them and am not breaking the law because, I mean, come on. It could help me in a puzzle later on.) And I guess, even in the sorta context when one would, they're too focused on having fun to think like that. I dunno. But yeah, the game went well. Heh.
NaNoWriMo starts Tuesday. I still don't really know what my novel is going to be about. But I'm going to do this. I need to. I need to prove to myself I can do things... things I want to do. I can't even do things I want to do nowadays, besides distract myself. I need to write a novel. And doing it in a month would be really cool. So I'm doing it. Let's hope I get some inspiration soon. It'd be nice if I wrote an outline or something as well.
Brer said he'd play Secret of Mana with me. Yay! ^_^ I got the game up to the point where you can play two players! I hope he doesn't mind playing the boy... I'm always the girl cause I wanna do the healz, and I've recently realized someone has to control the boy because he does mad damagez. Z's! He can use Sprite's magic if beating the crap outta things is too boring! I do hope we actually do it, though... he doesn't have the Skype, and I dunno... gaming together is great in theory, but I dunno how well it works without something turn based (so you can do alot of chatting still) or without being there next to each other (for snuggling purposes). It's worth a shot, though. Heh, maybe I'll be really self-serving and buy him a headset for Chrissymas... heh heh heh... SKYEEEEEP! (Eh, not my style, though... unless I get him something else, too... heh... which I wouldn't put past me...)
Blaaaaah... I gotta turn my life around, you know... or at least... sorta... start... living it... blah.
Gotta work tommorow... goodnight nowz. (Z's! FUCK YEAH!)

Posted by poetfox at October 30, 2005 01:28 AM


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