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November 09, 2005

Audio Blog Entry: Stupid Audacity Tricks

I recorded this. Sorry about that.
I ramble on about how much 1up's podcast really sucks, how awesome 1up's intro music is, how I can splice random audio clips in with Audacity, my current need of new podcasts, the fact that I'm downloading basically all of Escape Pod's archives, and if I'm going to have to cut and paste this whole thing together (I didn't have to). But mostly I just ramble. And play random audio clips for fun.
This one isn't especially worth your time to listen to, but, you know what? I had fun putting those sounds clips in there. So there. This Audacity-style recording probably won't happen again. The only thing that might is me creating some sort of basic intro music or something to use, but what are the chances of that? Not really high.
Have fun, peoples!

Posted by poetfox at November 9, 2005 01:34 PM


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