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November 06, 2005

Audio Blog Entry: State of the WriMo Address

OH EM GEE! AUDIO BLOG ENTREEEEEE! Pronouce that "Entry" and not "On-tray"
I ramble on about Escape Pod, how I'm behind schedule on my currently untitled NaNoWriMo novel, how I question whether what I'm writing appeals to anyone and if my main character's rambly voice is interesting, how not drinking might hinder my novel, how I have a story but no resolution, and that I bought pants! But mostly I just ramble.
Oh, I mention my WriMo Stats page, thing. That's here. I'm keeping the word count fairly updated there, if you want an up to the moment status on my novel, there you go. I still don't have a good title. We'll see when one comes to me.
Oh, and Mur e-mailed me back and said she'd be using my thingy I linked down below. Whee! ^_^ My scary voice on a podcast I listen to!
Edit: 3:29 now. Here I went and said I wasn't going to get any writing done and went and wrote another thousand words and ended the first day. Still behind, though. Gotta keep up the PACE! Wish I had access to my music for all this writing...

Posted by poetfox at November 6, 2005 02:50 AM


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