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December 28, 2005

Hour and a Half before work. I just woke up.

I just woke up, but I gotta be at work in an hour and a half. CRAZYNESS!

Apparently my mom thought my "This is how I roll" Katamari Damacy shirt in some way represented that I was a girl. I mean, I am, but it has absolutely nothing to fucking do with that. I was a little mean towards her... I shouldn't have been... but dammit, I don't want to spend my 2 hours of free time today lying to her about being a boy. Bah.

I gotta get Brer's present in the mail, too... it didn't all work out quite like I hoped, but I'm sure he'll still like it... it's a little minor thing... heh...

So I've been working till 6 in the morning the pass few days. I'm going to make crazy money. The problem is whenever I get home I always want to sit down and write. But it's fucking 6 in the morning, so I go to bed, and when I wake up the urge is gone. It's really annoying. I wonder if I'll have the urge tonight, when I'll get home at a mere 2 or 3 in the morning... I could write an essay, I could write great essays. I could write an essay about how blogging keeps me from writing more essays and writing in general, talk about the pros and cons and how I hate the word "blogosphere." I dunno.

I haven't even gotten to play Shadow of the Collosus yet... I really want to sit down and like spend a whole weekend beating it... maybe I will this weekend... then again, I got alot of reading to do, too, and a New Year that probably will have parties associated with it, and a boyfriend who will be home again...

I'm listening to American Gods, since it's such a good book. Laura asked Shadow if he was alive, and he couldn't really say yes... I don't think I could say yes to it either... every year I make a new year's resolution along the lines of "this year I will be myself" with various variations, but it never happens... we'll see about this year, I suppose...

Gotta eat and mail and stuff before work... have a nice day, yeah?

Edit: I wish I could edit posts in Flock... anyway, check it, over at The Dragon Page, in the Wingin' It show notes... they played my voice comment AND linked to the Crappy Asst Podcast! We might get an additional listener! Woah!

Posted by poetfox at December 28, 2005 03:31 PM


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