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December 17, 2005

Some things you should know about things... programs, actually...

Hamachi is an amazing program and should be huggled often.
The multiplayer component of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory for the PC should be shot multiple times in the head for pure stupid.
Pure, pure stupid...
Well, at least Brer and I can play Counter-Strike: Source now...
Edit: And... he's gone for 12 days... *sighs...* I'm gonna miss him... it's not the end of the world, but... heh... still gonna miss him... HAVE A GOOD CHRISSYMAS, BRER!!!!!

Posted by poetfox at December 17, 2005 03:20 AM


Why do you call it Chrissymas?

Posted by: piman [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 18, 2005 12:50 AM

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