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January 16, 2006

Maho-robot! Transform into a soft, terry cloth robe so that I may dry my hot bod...

I am not Quafio, the evil ruler of Cats. But I could be.
So I had some pretty shitty trying to fix my comptuer day today. It SUXORZED! But so it goes. All that I really got out of it was a nice meal at El Alcupoco (I love their steak, dammit!) and that my FILE SHARING NOW WORKS! But I've had to spend the night re-installing shit. My Hamachi is sorta messed up... I may have to reset everything, but I e-mailed the guy and hopefully Hamachiguy can help me with that... also, Steam is being a bitch... hopefully they're messing with their servers tonight, and it's not something left over from the thingy, you know? Cause I neeeeeeeds my Dystopia, mann!
A huge-ass thanks to Buchhiet and Droib for helping me today, even if not alot came out of it. Another huge-ass thanks to Spants, for consistantly being inappropriate 24/7. Another huge huge-ass thanks to Brer, for putting up with me after I realized all we did didn't help. A slightly less huge thanks to the Red Cross, who's phone call made everyone think I had a job interview for some reason. A pretty decent amount of thanks to the people cooking and serving at El Alcupoco, because that was some fucking amazing service tonight. A little thanks to bunnyboi, cause he's cute. A chunk of thanks to the people behind Flock, cause I like your browser. A bigger chunk to Mozilla, because I like your browser and e-mail programme. And, finally, a bit of the ol' thanks to the people behind Albatross 18, which I recently rediscovered, and which is still damn cool for being free. THE END.
(Note: Flock blog post didn't work. Huh. Have to figure it out tommorow.)

Posted by poetfox at January 16, 2006 03:53 AM


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