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January 18, 2006


I just ordered the new Minibosses CD. It's about damn time they came out with an actual studio album. Jonathan will be pleased. I should probably get him a birthday present at some point.
I wrote a Nanofic today. It's not posted, I haven't reaquired my uploading capabilities yet. Also, it could use some more work, probably. It's called Autopilot (yes, Ecks, I thought of a good name. What do you think?) and if, for some reason, you wanted to see it in it's current state simply let me know. Only 84 words! Yay for Nanofics! Of course, it'll get a bit longer once I figure out how to tweak it.
I got the Speedline Dress (That's what she's wearing in that picture... my character looks like that, only she's got foxy ears... I'll post a piccy in the Screenie Gallery sometime...) for my Albatross character, finally. Once I get a little more Pang, I can level up her power, thank god. I love how she looks, and I like her good control, but her power is abysmal. I'm going to have to keep buying her the best power items I can... that means losing my cute sandals for the powershoes, unfortunately, but so it goes. It's just unfortunate that my fox ears give me curve, not power...
You'd think I'd have school-related things to talk about, it being the first day of class. But I don't. You'll probably see more poems and Nanofics coming out of me during the school year... cause I write them by scribbing in my journal instead of taking notes. Boring lit classes are great for creativity.

Posted by poetfox at January 18, 2006 02:34 AM


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