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March 10, 2006

Stuff Written While Watching Super Globetrotters

Whoo, mann! 7 to 4:30 shift! Rokk on! And here I was, worried about my monies, then off I go, earning a bunch of it! Yay!
I had a long talk with Dana and everyone at work about the MP3 situation. We looked up all the rules and such, and, well, it pretty well says you can't have any electronic device while you work. Pretty specifically lined out. Oddly enough, as soon as it was clear that it was not some gross misinterpretation of "You can't wear headphones" and that, well, all the managers could seriously get in trouble if I was listening, and there was no chance of it happening, it suddenly didn't matter anymore. I no longer had to, you know, scheme how to make them give in... and I was also pretty well immediately sure that any other big store I'd work at would have a similar rule... I don't know. I'm not mad about it anymore... it's all kinda stupid, really. In any case, I'm going to keep my eyes open for anything better or additional, but I think I'll be okay staying at Kohl's... at least for now. It's not as good as it was, but, you know, as long as I don't get caught up in bad thoughts, I can entertain myself with retarded... problem is, it's easy to get caught up in bad thoughts... heh...
And now, things I have not admitted to the public or do not admit enough.
1) I have a boyfriend, his name is Brer, and he's totally awesome, mann. Anyone who listens and takes my side even after my depressed whining is a keeper... heh...
2) I bought a laptop. That's what I'm posting this on now. It's running Ubuntu. I'm learning Linux on it. I got it on the cheap on eBay. I probably shouldn't have, but I wanted one for awhile. It works spiffy. The battery is actually functional. It's got a pretty decent Hard Drive. It does everything I wanted a laptop to do, namely chat, browse the internets, and use OpenOffice.
Random interspersed thought: Why do the Super Globetrotters even have superpowers? I mean, they just challenge everyone to a basketball game in the end anyway. Also, they always have to change into superness during the second half of the basketball game to win. Why the hell don't they just start super when playing against supervillians?
3) I'm a fairly depressed person. Eh, you hear about that enough here, but I don't admit it enough to people who aren't on the internets. So I put it on the list. Well, fuck you too.
Eh, can't think of any more to put on this list, but I'm sure there's more. Press me on things, people, I will tell the truth.
I'm almost positive Charter is doing messed up things with my net connection and this isn't going to post. So I'll save it and post it later today. Goodnight, peoples.
Next Morning... okay, fine, afternoon...
Alright, this morning I'm trying the KDE desktop (and thus, Kubuntu) instead of GNOME (and thus Ubuntu), and I must say I'm liking it about 4 billion times better, really. It's not especially different, perse? But it gets rid of a couple of the annoyances I had with GNOME. For example, if I switch workspaces, all the windows are still shown in the taskbar, so I can tell if I get an IM in a window that is in another workspace. It's pretty smooth, mann. I need a nice background for the lappy, though. I'm using the Magic Gelectrode wallpaper because that didn't annoy me as much as the default. I mean, it's nice art. But something more me is in order, methinks.
Apparently Brer and I have been fchanned. Intense.

Posted by poetfox at March 10, 2006 01:38 PM


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