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April 17, 2006

A quasilist of random things.

Tom Goes To The Mayor really, really, really, really sucks. Seriously.
Perfect Hair Forever I probably shouldn't find funny, but I am always entertained by it.
I just broke the other armrest on my chair. Fucking chair. What good is it if I can't lean back in it without breaking the goddamn armrests? Now I really am going to replace it... or find another clamp, I guess.
Seriously, I love playing City of Villains, but as bad as it sounds to say not being able to chat while playing basically kills all enjoyment I might have with the game... which angers me.
Today, I am going to install my other video card if I can find the cable I need to dual-monitor that bad boy.
So tried Oblivion today. It is alot better. The combat is more constant, and I can skip EVERYTHING if I just want to kill things. Yes, I understand that half the game is in wandering around and finding little random dungeons to fight in. Well, the compass points me towards them. And then, when I find them, I can TELEPORT TO THEM BITCHES. Yeah. The character class I made is called Harbinger. No real reason why.
I still don't understand why adult swim is playing Saved by the Bell this week, but it's gotta be better than Tom Goes To The Mayor.
HoMMV is pretty kewl. Just like how I remember HoMM and HoMM 2 from back in the day. Give the demo a go if you're bored. I played Brer in the multiplayer. It should be called the "insanely slow and laggy for no reason cause the game is fucking turn-based" multiplayer. Seriously, it skipped like a million frames. Bah.
I'm getting Spaced. I hope it's as good as the little clip I saw.
I'm useless.

The end.

Posted by poetfox at April 17, 2006 01:00 AM


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