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April 02, 2006

It is what my heart commands...

That's my new excuse for doing ANYTHING from now on.
Jonathan beat Kingdom Hearts 2. He played the game from 10 am till just now, 2 am the next day (Okay, well, 3 am now... I noticed my computer's clock just sprung forward), to finish it off. Of course, he never spends time over here. I could go to the endgame where I am now, but I'm going to hold off and do all the rest of the stuffs. Or at least all the rest of the non-hardcore-style stuffs. Jonathan says the second time through Space Paranoids is not to be missed. Heh. Tronlicious.
I'm still thinking about buying a bowling ball. The Target Zone Brunswick line looks like pretty well everything I could hope for. They're cheap, and they don't want to curve. The concept behind them is to be your second ball that you use just to pick off one pin, you know? But since I bowl everything in that straight down the lane manner used to pick off one pin and have no plans to change to a crazy curvy strategy, that seems like exactly what I would need. I should get bowling shoes, either way. I'll save money over the course of the league this summer by picking up a pair. I'll have to talk to the people at the bowling alley about all this. I want to go bowling Monday during the all you can bowl for two hours for 5 bucks thing. I want to bowl more often in general.
I want alot of things.
I probably don't deserve them.
I was going to write an erotic short story tonight, but Jonathan was here... I dunno why I was going to, but I had it all planned out. My version of erotic probably isn't very erotic, though. Maybe I'll write it some other time... maybe I'll be useful sometime...
I must now lay down in bed and play some Hunters or Tetris DS online. It is what my heart commands...

Posted by poetfox at April 2, 2006 03:11 AM


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