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June 30, 2006

During the writing of this post, I make a phone call.

Sometimes, when I become half-awake in the morning, my mind starts to lazily daydream as I toss and turn, and run various plots through my head. Sometimes I think that theses are continuations of dreams I must have been having, but the rest of the time I don't know where they come from. The plot running through my head this morning was so insanely horrid I was forced to wake up so I wouldn't have to think about it anymore. It wasn't bad as in a bad story idea, those I have all the time as they almost always involve me, these half dreams... but it was so... I couldn't think about it anymore. So that's why I'm awake at 8:30 in the morning.

So yesterday, I forgot my 5 dollar thing for Best Buy when getting Bucchiet's gift. I needed to use it because it was about to expire, so I took Essner's suggestion of getting something I needed an excuse to buy and bought Trauma Center: Under the Knife. So far I have proven I'm a terrible surgeon. It's a fun game, though, most definately, and I recommend it if a surgery simulator sounds vaugely entertaining to you and you own a Nintendo DS. Oh, bringing the game home reminded my mother that Brain Age existed, so we'll see if she starts working with that... in all honesty, Trauma Center seems like the sort of game she could actually play, or at least alot more likely that she would play... maybe I should get her to try it.

Oh, I wrote an essay yesterday. It's not too bad, though I've most definately written better. Important thing is I wrote it. It's over at poetfox.com if you wanna see. Hopefully there'll be more writings from me soon.

I'm calling the guy right now.

---Time Passes---

And I have a new therapist appointment on the 17th. Gods, this stuff is so easy once you just do it... I really shouldn't get so nervous and put it off. But yay for progress and so on and so forth!

Posted by poetfox at June 30, 2006 08:42 AM


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