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June 18, 2006

There are probably weeds like everywhere. It's probably a scary sight to behold.

Tai got a DS Lite! Yay! I should get to cleaning up my AC: Wild World town so it's presentable for him to visit... having not played in months, it's probably a complete mess...

So here's a work related rant. I'm more than happy to help out if people are falling behind because of a larger-than-normal load. If Cindy is having trouble? I'm there. Kathy? Sure. Julie? I'll help out. Chase? You betcha. But I'm sick and tired of helping out Betty. Every night I do Girls. Every night. That's a third of what she is given. Every night. It's bullshit, and I'm pretty tired of it. End work rant.

Brer linked me to a torrent for Planetscape: Torment, so that's going right now. Why? I really don't know. But hey, whatever. Yay for the interwebs!

Posted by poetfox at June 18, 2006 01:44 AM


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