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June 07, 2006

Vintage Gamers and Rolesplaying

Totally awesome, seriously, Apparently it's old, but who the fuck cares, I just found it.

So right now I'm listening to Mur's husband's podcast, which is about old board games. His voice is pretty quiet, but I liked it in Mur's podcast story and, you know. I'll tell you how it is as I keep listening.
We played Paranoia tonight. There was alot less combat, but I think we had just as much fun and it all felt like it went smoother. Once again, what I halfway planned did not even get close, as Jonathan decided that the objective was not to complete a mission, it was to create something creative to tell the computer. I really couldn't argue with that logic, and it all flowed a little better since I didn't have a list of scenes and stuff I was running off of. Some of the little triggers I put in people's briefings didn't get going, though, because I forgot in the fun to sort of... re-point them out to people to keep them in their minds. My bad. But it was tons of fun, and I was proud of my R&D inventions I came up with, especially the really simple idea that worked really well. Overall, it was alot less chaotic, only chaotic in the good way this time, and I loved it. Less planning is the way to go with this shite. I'm willing to go again.
Vintage Gamer update, he is a little boring, heh heh. He's very hardcore at this stuff... sounds like me talking about Magic or something. I could get into this. ^_^ Though I think it would be a much better read than a listen.
I should probably print out directions to get to Carbondale sometime soon tonight, so that I can find it tommorow on my random planned roadtrip to their now-quasi-legendary Game and Comics stores there. And apparently they have a better mall than here. I heart malls.

Posted by poetfox at June 7, 2006 01:06 AM


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