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July 04, 2006

I think curling up with Brer is a better idea than exploding things.

So I watched the first two episodes of Doctor Who today... the new one... it's pretty good. Fun. You know. Fun.

So we played some GAUNTLET LEGENDS today!!!! OMG! I made an archer named Bewbs. We played in character. Yay.

Um, I also got my little screwdriver bit in today, so I'm probably going to try to repair my lappy tomorrow... today... whatever. So wish me luck.

What else... um... I dunno... I don't mind Jonathan playing Guild Wars on here but I wish he wouldn't move all the monitors and the keyboard and stuff all around when he does. Or at least would move them back. I sit here all day, I can recognize when they're different.

I don't work much next week. Blah. I best get something done during all my free time.

Oh, uh, happy 4th, I suppose. I'm not planning on doing anything tomorrow, though I'm sure my family has plans for me that they haven't shared. The only thing I'm thinking about, fourthwise, is that it was a year ago today that I talked to Brer on the phone for the first time... time definitely flies...

Oh, wrote another essay. You can find it on poetfox.com if you look. Called Labeling.

I think I would make a great bureaucrat. I would love to fill out tedious paperwork and utilize asinine rules to my advantage. As I've also said before, I also believe I would be perfect for the position of Mindless Data Entry, which would probably be tied into a bureacracy in some way, so hey, if someone has a position for me along those lines, hook me up!

Posted by poetfox at July 4, 2006 02:51 AM


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