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September 11, 2006

In which I pointlessly recount a trip to Barnes and Noble.

So I went to Barnes and Noble to pick up a copy of Great Expectations, cause I need one for class. They've moving into the mall, so they have a ton of stuff on clearance, including their own personal Classics books. So I rummaged through them, thinking, hey, Great Expectations is a classic, I can save a little money. Not so. They seemed to have like every book ever EXCEPT Great Expectations. So I had to buy a different branded copy that wasn't on clearance. Honestly, my class probably already bought all their clearance copies, but it still sucks. Note also that I'm complaining about not saving 30% off of a book that is maybe 4 dollars. But it's the principal, mann!
I looked through the rest of their clearance stuff, and nothing really caught me that I needed to have. If you want books of Sudoku puzzles, though, now would be the time to buy, buy, buy. I figured I don't do enough Sudoku to need them. I still haven't completed all the Sudoku in Brain Age, I can just do those if I feel the need. Their pretty journals were also on clearance, but time and again I've proven I can't write in those things, so I had no need to buy them. Everything else that sort of caught my eye was put off by the fact I have three books coming in the mail today to read, two books Brer sent me I should really at least skim, and, well, Great Expectations I need to read for class. Don't really need to buy more books. My car is already overflowing with them.

Test went okay, I suppose. I estimate I'm getting between a 90 and an 85 on it, which, honestly, is exactly where I want to be for French. I'm not kidding myself and thinking I'm going to get an A. A B would be an accomplishment for me, and that's how I'm approaching the class. Yeah. Take that.

I suppose I should be critiquing some short stories right now. I'll get on that.

Posted by poetfox at September 11, 2006 11:27 AM


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