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November 21, 2006

My mood has been all over the place recently.

So I had heard FFIII was hard, but I hadn't experienced any sort of... death or anything, until last night, when I finally beat a boss I lost on the first time. Losing your white mage will do that to you. I put her in the back row, dammit, what more do you want??? But I'll get it, heh, I'm just going to make sure to get every corner of the place explored to level up slightly before I try again. Also, what the hell is with the Phoenix Down being rare in that game? It kinda makes me sad... or makes me wish I had Life already. Or whatever the revive spell is called.

I get my really personalish story back tonight... I wonder how that'll go. So far, I've only shown it to people who can probably relate with what I'm writing about, so it'll be interesting to see how it works with someone who doesn't really know me... which is why there was value in turning the thing in to class, of course. Blah, we'll see what happens.

Apparently, supposedly, some of the downloadable games on the PS3 you can put on your PSP? That's actually kinda cool. Of course, since Sony didn't put a size limit on the games like Microsoft (Seriously, Xbox team, the more I think about it, the smarter the 50 meg limit on the Arcade titles is, although I do suggest you increase it to 100 or something... but then again, Small Arms should be fucking amazing, and it managed to fit... eh, we'll see), the games like like 300 megs which would be kinda painful on my little 512 Memory Stick Duo...

Oh, and Small Arms is 10 bucks! That's fucking amazing, I know I would have paid (and expected)15 for it. Good to know there are still awesome people in the world.

Imma gonna get those BeeK Xbox games today. Whee.

Posted by poetfox at November 21, 2006 11:47 AM


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