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November 07, 2006

Oh yeah, and my "Illusion Collusion" deck is playing quite well.

So work called, and they're like "Come work!" Normally, I would say "Yes, I will!" But tonight, I didn't take their shit and I said no. Huzzah! See, I have a job, and I'll be honest, that job helps keep me sane. It makes me feel useful. And if there is a session of my job going down, and they desperately need me, I want to be a part of it. I'm not going to let all the other Ad Set people down, nor will I abandon the truck crew. But this was neither. This was sticker-sticking time. If they schedule me for that, great, I'm there. If they don't schedule me, but ask me to come in ahead of time (like the extra shift I picked up on Thursday... yay doubleshift!), then sure, why not? But the crew is going to be there for X hours either way, and they just sprung it on me while I was relaxing and getting my Phoenix Wright on. Me being there wouldn't help them, and it would annoy me. I'd get paid more, sure, but this was my day off, and I wanted that day, so I took it. Go me!

And since I told a little lie about Guitar Hero II to Kathy when I dodged work, I felt obliged to get something together. So Jonathan, Spants, and I watched The Pink Panther. You know, the new one with Steve Martin. I had my doubts. The commercials were god awful, just like those for Hoodwinked. But just like Hoodwinked, they simply hired the worst commercial-making people imaginable. The movie was great, and I think paid pretty decent homage to the originals while being family friendly... though there were some sex jokes younger kids wouldn't have gotten. Anyway, the movie was not as shitty as advertised, and I laughed much, so give it a go if you were once considering it.

I wrote an essay today, too, called Outlets. It's over at Poetfox.com if you wanna have a go. It went... really weird... I started talking about motherhood, then I ended up talking about pedophilia and all kinds of things... but when I re-read it, it still flowed well, which honestly is the most important thing to me in a personal essay. I need to feel like I'm following the author's thought process, even if it goes all over the place. I felt that from this. So I'm calling it a success, though a weird one.

I still have Walkie Talkie Man stuck in my head. I wish I had gotten EBA today, instead of tommorow when I'm going to be all busy with homework and classes and work. Oh well.

Posted by poetfox at November 7, 2006 01:12 AM


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