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December 22, 2006

All the accessories and shit for the 360 are fairly costly as well.

So while working this evening, I heard a little girl telling her mother that if Santa didn't bring her what she wanted, she would be "very mad." She repeated this several times, even pointing out that some of the stuff she doesn't want, she NEEDS, you see.
It made me think about my upcoming Chrissymas... I've hinged alot of it on the 360 coming into my possession. But would I be "very mad" if I didn't get it? Nah. A little annoyed, perhaps, disappointed, probably, but not mad. I mean, hell, it's an expensive system. I know it is. I didn't really want my mom buying the whole thing for me, I had talked to her about splitting the cost or something of that nature... and if not, I said I'd just get it myself, if she didn't feel comfortable. I'd just go out and buy one Tuesday, probably at Best Buy, so I get like a 10 dollar gift certificate for later. But I wouldn't be "very mad."
I dunno... "mad" and "disappointed" are very different emotions. Mad implies "I deserved that, and the fact that I didn't get it is wrong." Disappointed is more "Man, I thought I would get that, but I guess it didn't happen. Wish I did, though." There's a difference in selfishness between the two feelings, isn't there? Or am I insane?
Then again, this is a young girl I'm talking about, so I suppose a level of selfishness comes with being a child, yes? Oh well.

Well, Brer is gone to his parents... well, he will be tommorow, if he can escape the blizzard-like snow they had in Colorado on Wednesday. I'm sure holiday air travel is bitch enough, I hope the snow doesn't make it TOO additionally terrible. In any case, his phone doesn't work in his parents house, so I'm without him for a week. Which is kinda sad. But in the end, I know not a big deal. I mean, hell, Chrissymas is going to have me so distracted anyway, I wouldn't be able to spend much time with him... heh... but yeah... I'll be glad when he gets back to his apartment next week.

In exciting non-me news, You Don't Know Jack now has a Daily Dis or Dat! It's no Jack Netshow, of course... that was... well... a gift from the gods. But it is pretty nice. Little topical Dis or Dats with Cookie as the host... he was definately my favorite, I dunno about you. So go check that shit out. It's awesome. And here's hoping there's more fully-featured Jack in the works. The people on 1up were all like "Oh, give me YDKJ on XBLA! Pleeeeeze!" and while I would definately pay a buck or two for, say, I dunno... a bundle of like 10 or 20 themed episodes of Jack (apparently I am one of the few who liked the "Episode" method found in Jack: The Ride and originally in the Jack Netshow. I suppose it was all the Jack Netshow action that caused me to love it), I dunno if the Xbox 360 is the optimal place for the thing... but again, any new Jack is good stuff.

I've been grinding up a storm in FFV. I suppose that's what it's all about, though. It definately has Tactics-like qualities, although does fall a little short of Tactics. (I'll be gladly paying for the new version of the original on PSP, oh yes) I was all doing the Blue Magic thing with the Beastmaster to control the enemies and have them use the Blue attacks on me, but it wasn't really thrilling me... I know my brother is a big Blue Mage fan, but I'm not. So I'll probably do something else... I dunno. I wanna do something weird and fun, but I'll probably end up going for the Tiny Little Gods kinda party... heh. I am Geomancering it up right now. Who knew a bell could do so much damage?

Well, it's time to play some more Final Fantasy V and listen to Retronauts. So goodbye. Yeah. Bye.

Posted by poetfox at December 22, 2006 02:52 AM


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