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December 04, 2006

Half the time, the poor violinist looked like her mic was off, and she was fiddlin' away for nothing.

By the way, I win at Christmas.
Poetfox's Chrissymas Shopping List
Mom: Check
Dad: Check
Jonathan: Check
Grandma: Checkish (Photography comes after finals)
Grandpa: Check
Brer: Check
Friend #1: No Check
Friend #2: No Check (Yeah yeah, drawing names, blah blah)
The Chrissymas Shopping Season is my Bitch.

So my box of four Chicken Patties came with 5 Chicken Patties. It was a miracle. But I only wanted four. So... the extra miracle patty got wasted. A shame.

I'd just like to thank the Talking Time forums for bringing Yggdra Union to my attention. I had no idea this game existed. I am going to go aquire it on my way to class, because it's already been out a couple weeks and it is one of those games that WILL poof and no longer exist... it's made by the same people who made Rivera, which, although sorta weird, was definately good stuff. I have faith it'll be nifty. Plus, I'll get to try the GBA port on my DS Lite, see how it works... see if I lose that little pretty cover for it... I won't, I'll store it with my GBA games...

I saw Manhiem Steamroller in concert last night? I can't suggest it. I mean, you know, the music was pretty good, but seeing it live added absolutely nothing to the experience of listening. Just get their CDs. But, you know, my parents paid for it, they seemed to really enjoy it, so good for them. I also learned that High School Musical DOES have a travelling stage show, which is good. A musical that popular, there is no excuse not to have one. I still haven't seen it, though.
Oh, there was an old woman at the show that kept standing up for long periods of time right in our view, taking her coat and slowly and methodically folding it, rummaging in her purse... perfectly arranging everything... I was very tempted to throw a crumpled program at her. Extremely tempted.

I have only one more French class EVAR!!!!! I'm excited.

Posted by poetfox at December 4, 2006 12:31 PM


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